Identify a potential ethical issue in qualitative research Essay Assignment Paper
Identify a potential ethical issue in qualitative research Essay Assignment Paper
Identify a potential ethical issue in qualitative research Essay Assignment Paper
identify a potential ethical issue in qualitative research and explain how it might influence design decisions.
Lincoln, Y. S., & Guba, E. G. (1985). Naturalistic inquiry. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
For this Discussion, you will explain criteria for evaluating the quality of qualitative research and consider the connection of such criteria to philosophical orientations. You will also consider the ethical implications of designing qualitative research.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 4
Post an explanation of two criteria for evaluating the quality of qualitative research designs. Next, explain how these criteria are tied to epistemological and ontological assumptions underlying philosophical orientations and the standards of your discipline. Then, identify a potential ethical issue in qualitative research and explain how it might influence design decisions. Finally, explain what it means for a research topic to be amenable to scientific study using a qualitative approach.
Be sure to support your Main Issue Post and Response Post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA Style.
When considering the evidence from Smarter Balanced, think about what you’ve learned and practiced thus far concerning alignment between standards, objectives, instructional delivery, student doing and thinking, rigor, and formative and summative assessment.
The information in your table should demonstrate your critical reading and thinking as you analyzed the recommended links in this site. The evidence you share should be succinct, yet descriptive enough to show a connection was made between the course learning outcome and the evidence you discovered. You’ll want to complete the template by moving across from CLO1 in column 1 to the evidence from Smarter Balance that supports CLO1, and then to column 2 – how what you learned from column 1 and column 2 will support you in the creation of your own assessments. The sample you see in the table above provides a brief example only.
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