Challenges related to classifying normal versus abnormal behavior Essay Assignment Paper

Challenges related to classifying normal versus abnormal behavior Essay Assignment Paper

Challenges related to classifying normal versus abnormal behavior Essay Assignment Paper

Describe challenges related to classifying normal versus abnormal behavior.
Analyze the psychosocial, biological/medical, and sociocultural theoretical models related to the development of abnormal behavior.
Describe the relationship between abnormal behavior and criminal behavior.
Explain how correctional institutions have been affected by abnormal behavior.
Include a minimum of three sources.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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Ensure essay aligns with these questions.

1.11.1 Examine the evolution of abnormal psychology as a science.
1.21.2 Identify the different theoretical models related to the development and treatment of psychopathology.
1.31.3 Explain the goals of clinical assessment and diagnosis in the correctional setting.

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