Impact of Commonly Abused Substances Essay Assignment Paper

Impact of Commonly Abused Substances Essay Assignment Paper

Impact of Commonly Abused Substances Essay Assignment Paper

What category of substances do cocaine and amphetamine fall under, and what are the implications of this category on the body?

Please try to you references from the assigned textbook (Drugs in perspective, Causes, Assessment, Family, Prevention, Intervention, and Treatment) as much as you can.

1A). Impact of Commonly Abused SubstancesBy Saturday, November 7, 2015

The following is a list of the most commonly abused substances:

Hallucinogens such as LSD, or PCP or angel dust
Stimulants, such as cocaine, nicotine, amphetamine, or methamphetamine
Opiates such as heroin, opium, or codeine

Select one that you believe is most problematic for society, and discuss in detail why you believe this is the case.

What impact does this drug use or abuse have on the state of families in the U.S.?

1B). Submit a two-three page paper in Microsoft Word to your by Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Impact of Commonly Abused Substances

Substance Use Disorders

Read the following two case scenarios:

Initially, Jose used cocaine only on the weekends when he was out with friends. But now he uses it every day, even when alone. Jose spends nearly his entire paycheck on his cocaine use. His wife is threatening to divorce him, and he is close to being fired from his job for underperforming. Yet, he continues to use cocaine.

Steven suffers from Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity disorder. In order to help him focus better at work, Steven’s doctor prescribed Adderall (amphetamine). Initially, Steven noticed an improvement in his concentration at work. After he had been taking Adderall for 6 months, however, recently he is starting to feel his concentration slipping again. He mentioned this to his doctor, and his doctor increased the dosage Steven was taking. He has also noticed that if he forgets to take his medicine, he is very tired, feels depressed, and has trouble sleeping.

Based on your readings, what is your viewpoint regarding Jose’s and Steven’s substance use? Keep the following questions in mind while writing the paper:

What category of substances do cocaine and amphetamine fall under, and what are the implications of this category on the body? Be sure to give the classification, DEA schedule, and physical effects.
How is a substance use disorder diagnosed?
Is Jose’s behavior evidence of a substance use disorder? Give a clear and thorough rationale for your response.
Is Steven’s behavior evidence of a substance use disorder? Give a clear and thorough rationale for your response.

Before responding to the questions, read the information on this Web site:

2A).Emotional Dependency in Relationships

By Saturday, November 14, 2015

Latisha and Earl have been dating for almost a year. But Latisha is having second thoughts about the relationship. For some time she has been feeling that she is taking more responsibility than Earl in keeping the relationship going. Whenever Earl has a hangover from partying too much the night before, she always calls in sick for him or runs to the store to get what he wants. He treats her poorly most of the time, yet she still is reluctant to get out of this relationship.

If Latisha asked your opinion of why she is so emotionally “connected” to Earl, what would you tell her on the basis of what you have learned about emotional dependency and family relationships?

Impact of Commonly Abused Substances

2B). Communication within Families by Wednesday, November 18, 2015.

Create a PowerPoint presentation of five to seven slides, with detailed speaker notes to present to a parent organization.

Three 17 year old high school students are planning on going to an 8pm movie together on a Friday night.

Sally has no curfew, so she didn’t think going to the movies would be a problem. Sally asked her mother on Tuesday if she could go and her mother said “yes.” When Friday arrived, her mother told Sally that she couldn’t go to the movies anymore, it was too late for her to go out, and she needed to stay home. Her mother then left to go to the bar, and Sally was left to feed and care for her younger brother.

Mary asked her father if she could go to the movies. He responded that as her curfew was 9pm she was not allowed to go to the movies. Mary did not want to question her father’s decision, so she kept quiet, even though it was the weekend, and she had no responsibilities on Saturday morning. Mary asked her mother if she would try to talk to her father to convince him to lift the curfew for one night, but her mother refused to do so.

Sam asked his parents if he could go to the movies. His parents stated that while normally his curfew was 9pm, it was a weekend night and he had no plans early in the morning on Saturday. Sam’s parents decided that as long as his homework and chores were finished, he could have an extension on his curfew for the evening, and could go to the movies. On Friday afternoon, Sam completed his homework and chores, and left to see the movie, with the promise to call his parents if the movie got out later than 10pm.

Respond to the following using the information from the text and lectures:

Identify which boundary is best described by each family in the scenario above.
Identify which boundary inadequacies are present in each family, if applicable.
Explain how each boundary and boundary inadequacy manifests itself.
What behaviors contribute to the development and maintenance of each of these boundaries?
Which of these teens are at risk for future substance abuse and why?
What can parents do to avoid or change any maladaptive boundary patterns in their families?

3A). Common Roles within the Family System

By Saturday, November 21, 2015

Rosie’s mother has a drug problem and often sleeps well past the time her children need to get up for school. Rosie takes it upon herself to get her siblings up, give them breakfast, and get ready for school. She, being the oldest child, has been assuming more and more responsibility for tasks around the house.

Answer the following:

Which of the four most common roles in family systems do you think Rosie is taking on?
What are the potential long-term consequences for Rosie in taking on these heavy responsibilities?
What message do you think Rosie’s role as “second mom” sends to her siblings about Rosie and their mother?

3B). LASA 1: In a Relationship with a Substance Abuser Your paper should be 4-5 pages long. by Wednesday, November 25, 2015

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Nearly everyone probably knows someone who places other people’s health, welfare, and safety before their own. When they do this, they can lose contact with their own needs, desires, and sense of self-worth.

Please watch the movie When a Man Loves a Woman. It is available from Amazon On-Demand rental for streaming or download and Netflix DVD rental. You may also be able to find the movie at your local public library or video rental store.

Refer to the characteristics of codependent people as discussed in the assigned weekly readings. Choose three of the characteristics to examine.

Search the AUO library and include at least one peer-reviewed journal article on treatment for codependence to use for research.

Based on the character of the husband in the movie When a Man Loves a Woman, your weekly readings and the research article you reviewed, write a 4-5 page paper that addresses the following for each of the three characteristics you picked:

Explain three codependent characteristics. Explain why you have chosen each particular characteristic. Provide three examples, one for each characteristic, of how those codependent characteristics specifically apply to the husband’s character in the film.

Evaluate how each codependent characteristic is detrimental to this person’s ability to establish and maintain healthy relationships.

Analyze how the codependent behavior has evolved within the substance abuse environment.

Apply what you have learned from the assigned readings and the peer-reviewed article to recommend at least two strategies for breaking codependent behaviors within a substance abuse environment.

Please note that you may locate the movie, When a Man Loves a Woman on YouTube at:

4A). Consequences of Family Dysfunction and Substance Abuse

By Saturday, November 28, 2015

Thelma, a 16 year old girl, suspected that her father had a drug problem but never knew it for certain. One day, she found out from some friends at school that her father used to buy crack cocaine from a known dealer. She agonized for over a week about whether she should tell her mother. She eventually did. Her mother asked Thelma’s father to leave the house and filed for a divorce. Thelma felt that the breakup of the family was her fault.

Read the article on that discusses behavioral, medical, educational, and emotional consequences of family dysfunction and substance abuse.

Read the following article on Teen Alcohol and Drug Abuse, paying particular attention to the Why Some Teens Abuse Alcohol and Drugs and Prevention Strategies sections.

Answer the following:

Did Thelma do the right thing by revealing her knowledge of her father’s drug use to her mother? Explain why.
What behavioral and emotional consequences might Thelma experience as a result of her situation?
What risk factors for teen substance abuse are present in Thelma’s life?
What practical action would you recommend for Thelma to fight against the guilt and anger she feels about the situation with her father?
What practical action would you recommend for Thelma’s mother to reduce Thelma’s risk for substance abuse?

4B). Child Abuse in Homes of Substance Abusers Create a two- to three-page plan. by Wednesday, December 2, 2015.

Research clearly indicates a connection between substance abuse and child maltreatment. Among confirmed cases of child maltreatment, 40 percent involve the use of alcohol or drugs. An estimated 480,000 children are mistreated each year by a caretaker who has alcohol or drug problems. Additionally, alcohol and drug problems are factors in a majority of cases of emotional abuse and neglect.

Answer the following:

Given these statistics, why do you think a more concerted effort is not made in the media to make citizens aware of the association between substance abuse and child abuse?
Choose one of the following audiences, and describe a plan to heighten awareness of this problem:
Grade and high school students
Parent or child organizations such as Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts
Welfare recipients
Include three action points for implementing this awareness plan nationwide to the chosen audience. Be sure to specify:
Who will deliver the information?
How will the information be delivered?
What systems will be put in place for support if needed by participants?
Include one additional action point to address prevention strategies in the population chosen above.

5A). LASA 2: Treating the Substance Abuser and his Family Presentation by Monday, December 7, 2015.

Harvey is married and has 2 teenage children. Harvey has been heavily drinking on a regular basis for the past 10 years. In the past his wife often covered for him with his job, and usually made excuses for him with his children and his friends. Harvey has not attended his son’s baseball games this year, and he missed his daughter’s performance in the school play due to having been passed out from drinking. At this time, he is at risk for losing his job due to excessive absences, and he was recently arrested for a DUI. Harvey has realized that his drinking is adversely affecting all aspects of his life and he is ready to quit.

Impact of Commonly Abused Substances

Impact of Commonly Abused Substances

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