Evolution of RTI Essay Assignment Paper

Evolution of RTI Essay Assignment Paper

Evolution of RTI Essay Assignment Paper

Assignment: Evolution of RTI

Part I

Introduce the Response to Intervention (RTI) program and the School-wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) program to the School Board members by defining these programs.

Explain the evolution of RTI and its purpose
Explain how RTI meets IDEA 2004 criteria for “Early Intervening Services.”
Explain the purpose of SWPBS
Relate the ways in which the combination of RTI and SWPBS can support student success in academics and promote socially acceptable behaviors conducive to learning.
Explain how the addition of a social skills program to Tier 2: Targeted Intervention (SWPBS) can provide an extra layer of training for socially significant behaviors in the Behavior Education Program .
After providing the School Board with basic information regarding RTI and SWPBS, and discussing the advantages of adding the social skills program to Tier 2 of the SWPBS plan, you will present a demonstration model of an RTI and SWPBS, with a social skills program, to the Board.

Part II
Develop a School-Wide Positive Behavior Support plan for Jackson Elementary School. Include the following:

A) Tier 1: Universal Interventions

Devise and operationally define three (3) culturally responsive school rules.
Develop positive reinforcement strategies aligned with the three (3) rules.
Develop consequences for students who do not comply with the three (3) school rules.
Explain how you will teach students the three (3) rules, and how students will earn positive reinforcement (and what those reinforcements will be) and what the consequences will be for not complying with the rules.
Prepare data collection devices to record data from universal screening and continuous progress monitoring to make decisions regarding students’ progress.
B) Tier 2: Targeted Interventions

Summarize the selection process for placing at-risk students in Tier 2.
Explain how RTI can be integrated into Tier 2.
Develop the Behavior Education Program:
Construct a reinforcement system for appropriate behaviors
Explain the essential elements of the Behavior Education Program
Select one social skills program from the following list to incorporate into the Behavior Education Programand explain the components of the program and how it will be implemented.
Stop and Think
Replacement Behavior Training
Social Stories
C) Tier 3: Individualized Interventions

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