Imposing religious values Essay Assignment Paper

Imposing religious values Essay Assignment Paper

Imposing religious values Essay Assignment Paper

Assignment: Imposing religious values

In 1,250-1,500 words, describe the ethical implications of implementing religion or spirituality into therapy. Consider topics such as:

Multiple relationships
Imposing religious values in therapy
Informed consent
Use a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources as well as the textbook and the APA Code of Ethics with APA formatted in-text citations and references.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide,

Noted psychologist David McClelland characterized entrepreneurs as possessing the following traits: (1) Desire for responsibility, (2) Preference for moderate risk, (3) Confidence in their abilities, (4) Determination, (5) Desire for immediate feedback, (6) High level of energy, (7) Future orientation, (8) Skill in organizing, and (9) Value of achievement over money.

Using the assessment attached rate yourself on each trait based on a scale of 5 (this trait is most like me) to 1 (this trait is not at all like me). Note an example about yourself that demonstrates and supports your rating on each trait.Remember that no one possesses all of the criteria.

ANOVA and Repeated Measures ANOVA Designs

Use the South University Online Resources to find two peer-reviewed articles in which the authors used ANOVA designs and two peer-reviewed articles in which the authors used repeated measures ANOVA designs. Summarize each article and evaluate whether the design used was logical. Explain your reasoning. Do you think that the design influenced the statistical significance observed? Why or why not? Could this influence the validity of the work?

Support your responses with examples.

Cite any sources in APA format.

Please provide for a reference page.

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
Analyzed and identified articles in which the authors used ANOVA designs and two articles in which the authors used repeated measures ANOVA designs.
Summarized each article and evaluated whether the design used was logical. Justified with appropriate reasoning.
Analyzed and justified if the design influenced the statistical significance observed.
Used correct spelling, grammar, professional vocabulary, and APA format.

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