Advertisement language Essay Assignment Paper

Advertisement language Essay Assignment Paper

Advertisement language Essay Assignment Paper

Assignment: Advertisement language

Assignment: Select any advertisement you like and analyze its language

1. Advertisement/commercial: Select any

advertisement/commercial you like and analyze its (verbal &

visual) language: how does this ad attempt at emotional

manipulation? How does it make us feel? What does it make us

desire? Physical or mental excellence? Social status? Sex

appeal? A combination of distinct qualities? Does the ad

simultaneously make us feel inferior to an ideal that it

establishes? In what ways does the ad promise that the

respective product/service will satisfy the desire that it inspires?

Discussion: Community Social Work in Savannah GA

Have you ever wondered why some areas appear to be safe, clean, and filled with many varied businesses, while others appear run down and lined with only check-cashing centers, fast-food restaurants, and liquor stores? As a macro social worker, you often will see that communities thrive and falter due to the resources available. The ways in which society provides and allocates resources disproportionately benefits certain groups while harming others through lack of resources or displacement.

All communities have strengths despite their challenges. Use of the strengths-based perspective helps you to identify the potential strengths of a community and how to advocate for its members to obtain the resources and services they need to be successful.

To prepare: Identify characteristics that represent your community (Savannah Ga) Then, take a picture that represents these characteristics in your community. Note that your photo does not need to be literal—it can be symbolic.


A picture you took that represents the characteristics you identified in the community. (Don’t worry about picture)
A description of the community. (Savannah GA)
Explain the strengths and challenges associated with that community based on its characteristics. (APA format, provide references)
Explain how the community could use their strengths to address their challenges. (APA format, provide references)
Respond to at least two colleagues:
Identify a role a social worker might take when working with the community identified by your colleague. Provide a specific example of what that role might look like. (Please provide 2 different statements)(APA format, provide references)
Describe two social work skills your colleague could use when practicing with this community. (please provide 2 different statements)(APA format, provide references)

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