Applications of the Stroop effect Essay Assignment Paper

Applications of the Stroop effect Essay Assignment Paper

Applications of the Stroop effect Essay Assignment Paper

Discuss some applications of the Stroop effect and thought suppression to the area of psychological problems and their treatment.
1. Think of a person you know well, who has never had a course in cognitive psychology. How would you describe perception to this person? As Part of your description provide examples of two visual tasks and two auditory tasks that this person performs frequently. Provide relevant details, using terms from the keylist for chapter 2 (p. 67)

2. What is divided attention? Give several examples of divided-attention tasks you have performed within the past 24 hours. What does the research show about the effects of practice on divided attention? Describe some examples of your own experience with practice and divided-attention performance (Chapter 3).

3. Cognitive psychology can also be applied to clinical psychology. Discuss some applications of the Stroop effect and thought suppression to the area of psychological problems and their treatment. (Chapter 3)

4. What is selective attention? Give several examples of selective-attention tasks–both auditory and visual–that you have performed within the past 24 hours. In what kind of circumstances were you able to pick up information about the message you were supposed to ignore? Does this pattern match the research? (Chapter 3)

5. What does the central executive do? With respect to its role in working memory, which tasks are similar to those of a business executive? (Chapter 4)

6. What is the serial-position effect? Why is this effect related to short-term memory? Also discuss another classic method of measuring short-term memory (Chapter 4)

7. Describe Miller’s classic concept about the magical number 7 +/- 2. Why are chunks relevant to this concept? Why was Miller’s emphasis different from the behaviorist approach? How did the Atkinson-Shiffrin Model incorporate the idea of limited memory? (Chapter 4)

8. What is encoding specificity? Think of a recent example in which encoding specificity could explain why you temporarily forgot something. How strong are the effects of encoding specificity, in real life and in the laboratory? (Chapter 5)

9. Suppose you are in charge of creating a public service announcement for television. Choose an issue that is important to you, and describe at least give tips from Chapter 5 that would help you make an especially memorable advertisement. Be sure to include depth of processing as one of the tips. (Chapter 5)

10. Researcher Daniel Schacter (2001) wrote a book describing several kinds of memory errors. He argues, however, that these errors are actually by-products of a memory system that usually functions quite well. What textbook theme is related to his argument? Review Chapter 5 and list some of the memory errors that people may commit. Explain why each error is a by-product of a memory system that works well in most everyday experiences. (Chapter 5)

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