Basic characteristics of humans Essay Assignment Paper

Basic characteristics of humans Essay Assignment Paper

Basic characteristics of humans Essay Assignment Paper

Discuss Basic characteristics of humans

Assignment: Basic characteristics of humans is the ability to use language

1) Can nonhumans use language? One of the basic characteristics of humans is the ability to use language. Present an argument that is either for or against the notion that nonhumans use language. Remember, you must cite empirical research to support your assertions.

2) What is the nature of intelligence? This week let’s start by doing the following: 1) propose a definition of intelligence to share with the class and 2) elaborate this definition with examples as needed. You also need to consider how you would measure intelligence. Also, is it a general factor, or are there multiple factors here?

What makes someone who they are? Each person has an idea of their own personality type — if they are bubbly or reserved, sensitive or thick-skinned. Psychologists who try to tease out the science of who we are define personality as individual differences in the way people tend to think, feel and behave.

There are many ways to measure personality, but psychologists have mostly given up on trying to divide humanity neatly into types. Instead, they focus on personality traits.

The most widely accepted of these traits are the Big Five:

Conveniently, you can remember these traits with the handy OCEAN mnemonic (or, if you prefer, CANOE works, too).

The Big Five were developed in the 1970s by two research teams. These teams were led by Paul Costa and Robert R. McCrae of the National Institutes of Health and Warren Norman and Lewis Goldberg of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor and the University of Oregon, according to Scientific American.

The Big Five are the ingredients that make up each individual’s personality. A person might have a dash of openness, a lot of conscientiousness, an average amount of extraversion, plenty of agreeableness and almost no neuroticism at

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