Conceptualization and Diagnosis Essay Assignment Paper

Conceptualization and Diagnosis Essay Assignment Paper

Conceptualization and Diagnosis Essay Assignment Paper

Assignment: Conceptualization and Diagnosis

You reviewed the cases of Laura in the study activities for this unit. You will respond to each of the questions below. Your initial post must be at least 250 words in length and include at least two references to a current article in the professional literature to support your ideas. Start by considering the broad category of the client’s presenting issues. What words would you use to describe the client’s presenting concerns and the types of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors the client is experiencing? What broad categories in the DSM-5 do these words relate to (i.e., depression, anxiety, trauma, et cetera).

Next, look at the case study and review the specific symptoms the client is reporting. Compare these symptoms to those listed in the broad categories you have considered. In what area of the DSM do the client’s symptoms seem to fit best? Select the DSM-5 diagnosis that you believe is the best match for the symptoms that the client is presenting and be sure to include the numeric ICD 10 code along with the name of the disorder. Support your choice of diagnosis by listing the diagnostic criteria in the DSM-5 and noting for each one how the client has expressed this. Does the client meet all criteria for this diagnosis or are there some areas that you are not fully sure about? If you do not have enough information about some symptoms that are required criteria for the diagnosis you have selected, what additional questions would you need to ask the client, or what other information would you need to obtain from other sources so that you could support an accurate diagnosis?

Assignment: Conceptualization and Diagnosis

Response Guidelines Read the posts of your peers and respond to at least two. Try to choose those that have had the fewest responses thus far. For each response, discuss the DSM-5 diagnosis your peer applied to the case and the symptom criteria she or he noted as either present or absent. Were there additional criteria needed in order to make an accurate diagnosis?Assignment: Conceptualization and Diagnosis

Peer 1 Post

James is a 43 year old Caucasian male that has reported that he feels awful and has no energy. He also reports that he’s married and his relationship is satisfactory but their sexual relationship has declined over the past two years. James is satisfied with his job but has a feeling that he is not able to move up in his profession at this time. James reports that he is in good health and takes no medications but has recently stopped going to the gym due to a strong loss of interest in it. James reports that his appetite has significantly increased and this explains his weight gain. James also admits that he has an issue with drinking and increased number of alcohol as often as four after work or before dinner. James is not suicidal at this time although he says that it would be nice not to wake up tomorrow but does not have a plan at this time to take his life. The client’s overall sense of discontentment can be categorized as depression if we were to consider the broad sense of the DSM-5. The client is reporting symptoms of feeling awful and having no energy. The client also is stating that there is a decline in his sexual relationship with his wife. The client also reports that he’s lost interest in exercising and taking care of his self physically. The client enjoys drinking alcoholic beverages several times a day. The client admits that the alcohol helps him to fall asleep. The client symptoms continue to fall in the Realms of depression although there is not enough information to make this conclusion due to his issue with drinking alcohol which is a depressant.. The client is exhibiting several symptoms that need further investigation. Measures for symptom severity, diagnosis, and problem behaviors may provide insight into client limitations, but typically neglect client strengths. (WILKINSON, 2015) Although the diagnosis could very well be duel with that of alcoholism and depression more investigation needs to be done because we do not know how long each was present. I would defer diagnosis until further evaluation. A physical examination would be beneficial in this case being that he has several physical issues that have not been examined by a physical doctor. The client continues to say that he is healthy while he has had a loss of interest in several activities including work and exercising and even in sexual activities with his wife. This could be several different physical diagnosis including thyroid ,diabetes, erectile dysfunction and so on. There are studies that indicate high false-positive rates of depression, with significant levels of diabetes-specific distress due to living with diabetes. This refers to the emotional distress associated with managing a long-term condition over time and is an area of greater concern, which requires more targeted interventions directed at the emotional side of diabetes. (Fosbury & Shaban, 2016) It would be best for the counselor to hold off on making a diagnosis by eliminating these external factors first. WILKINSON, B. D. (2015).

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