Crisis Response Portfolio Part : Suicide Essay Assignment Paper

Crisis Response Portfolio Part : Suicide Essay Assignment Paper

Crisis Response Portfolio Part : Suicide Essay Assignment Paper

Assignment: Crisis Response Portfolio Part : Suicide

Please no plagiarism and make sure you are able to access all resource on your own before you bid. One of the references must come from James, R. K., & Gilliland, B. E. (2017). I have attached the document that you will need to complete this assignment. Part 3: Suicide. Find resources in Texas. Please follow the instructions to get full credit for the discussion. I need this completed by 10/15/18 at 8pm.

Crisis Response Portfolio Part 3: Suicide

As you continue to build your Crisis Response Portfolio, remember that interventions, treatment, and support can prevent suicides and suicide attempts.

For Part 3 of your Crisis Response Portfolio, you will create a section for suicide prevention. This section will contain risk factors, suicide assessment questions, safety plans for clients, and state regulations for commitment procedures as they relate to victims of crisis.

To Prepare:

Create a section in your Crisis Response Portfolio called “Suicide”.
Review the Learning Resources and consider risk factors for suicidal clients.
Review the Learning Resources and consider questions to guide a suicide assessment.
Review the media programs Facilitative Response Activity and How to Accurately Assess and Help a Client and consider how you might create a safety plan for a client.
Review your State commitment laws and procedures and consider the information you might need to include in your portfolio for victims of a crisis (See the example State of Virginia example provided in the Learning Resources)
Assignment: Part 3:

In your section called “Suicide” of your Crisis Response Portfolio, include

The risk factors as they relate to victims of a crisis
Suicide assessment questions related to victims of a crisis
A Safety plan related to victims of a crisis
Your state commitment procedures as they relate to victims of a crisis
Local and national resources for suicidal clients

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