Development of self Essay Assignment Paper
Development of self Essay Assignment Paper
Development of self Essay Assignment Paper
Assignment: Development of self
Assignment: Discuss Which early sociologist emphasized the role of society in the development of the self?
Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)
1. Which early sociologist emphasized the role of society in the development of the self?
a. George Herbert Mead
b. Karl Marx
c. Georg Simmel
d. Herbert Blumer
2. Which sociological social psychology perspective emphasizes the role of meaning and the social construction of meaning in the study of social psychology?
a. symbolic interaction
b. social structure and personality
c. group processes
d. structural functional ism
3. Which sociological social psychology perspective is likely to emphasize the importance of roles and statuses in the study of social psychology?
a. symbolic interaction
b. social structure and personal ity
c. group processes
d. structural functionalism
4. Which sociological social psychology perspective is likely to emphasize the importance of interactions within groups?
a. symbolic interaction
b. social structure and personality
c. group processes
d. structural functionalism
5. The sociological imagination is associated with which social theorist?
a. Emile Durkheim
b. Max Weber
c. C. Wright Mills
d. Auguste Comte
6. The expectation to look someone in the eye when talking with them refers to a _
a. norm
b. role
c. value
d. belief
7. Derek’s job as a supervisor refers to his relative in the company while the
expectations for how to behave on the job refers to his _
a. role; status
b. job; role
c. status; role
d. status; job
8. Which institution regulates sexual relations and child-rearing in society?
a. economy and work
b. politics
c. family
d. religion
9. Which institution refers to the rituals and beliefs regarding sacred things?
a. economy and work
b. politics
c. family
d. religion
10. Franklin did not think much about how the economy or society affects his life until he lost his job. Franklin’s internal processesing of his job loss best represents which principle from the social structure and personality perspective?
a. components principle
b. proximity principle
c. propinquity principle
d. psychology principle
11. After Donna cheated on her most recent exam, she starts to feel a sense of guilt, making
her reconsider whether she wants to do it again. Donna’s feelings of guilt can be considered a ______ , according to the social structure and personality perspective, leading her to rethink her future behaviors.
a. social more
b. social norm
c. social force
d. social fear
12. Which of the following is considered a major dimension of group processes?
a. power
b. justice
c. legitimacy
d. All of the above.
13. Janelle wants to study how and why some people are able to tell other people what to do while others can not. What aspect of group processes is she studying?
a. power
b. status
c. justice
d. legitimacy
14. What social psychologist is most associated with the concepts of dyads and triads?
a. Emile Durkheim
b. August Comte
c. Herbert Blumer
d. Georg Simmel
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