Environmental Forces driving Organization Change Essay Assignment Paper
Environmental Forces driving Organization Change Essay Assignment Paper
Environmental Forces driving Organization Change Essay Assignment Paper
LDR 615 Environmental Forces driving Organization Change
What environmental forces drive organization development in your field or industry? What are the steps successful organizations take when responding to change? Have you experienced forces of change in your work environment? How did the changes affect your organization?
Navigating Change in Organizations
Navigating in today’s chaotic business environments is much like trying to steer a tiny boat back to shore while caught in the center of a hurricane. There are many forces at work that a person will need to respond to in order to make it safely back to port. Just like this tiny ship, today’s organizations and their managers are faced with a significant amount of factors that require an immediate response, often in the form of organizational change. The forces that drive this change in business are known as the internal and external environments. This lesson will discuss how both the internal and external environments of an organization induce change.
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The Internal Environment
The internal environment of an organization refers to events, factors, people, systems, structures, and conditions inside the organization that are generally under the control of the company. The company’s mission statement, organizational culture, and style of leadership are factors typically associated with the internal environment of an organization. As such, it is the internal environment that will influence organizational activities, decisions, and employee behavior and attitudes. Changes in the leadership style, the organization’s mission, or culture can have a considerable impact on the organization.
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