Field of biopsychology Essay Assignment Paper

Field of biopsychology Essay Assignment Paper

 Field of biopsychology Essay Assignment Paper

Assignment: Field of biopsychology


Write a 2–3-page assessment in which you respond to a series of questions about the field of biopsychology and the brain.

Biopsychology, also known as behavioral neuroscience, has become a well-established multidisciplinary study that uses complicated techniques to reveal the relationship between brain functions and human behaviors.

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By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

• Competency 1: Use information technology and tools to identify information in the domain of biological psychology. â–ª Describe the different regions of the brain and the associated functions.
▪ Describe the ethical concerns connected to biopsychology research. 

• Competency 2: Employ critical and creative thinking to evaluate problems, conflicts, and unresolved issues in the study of biological psychology. 
▪ Explain the mind-brain problem.
▪ Describe the origin of biopsychology. 

• Competency 3: Analyze the research methodology and tools typically associated with the study of biological psychology. 
▪ Describe scientific methods used by scientists to study the brain. 

• Competency 6: Communicate effectively in a variety of formats.

▪ Write coherently to support a central idea with correct grammar, usage, and mechanics as expected of a 
psychology professional. 

â–ª Use APA style and format. 
As a branch of psychology, contemporary biopsychology studies the relationships between behavior and (mainly) the brain. Before this central hypothesis was established, the popular mind-brain questions raised in history included “What is the mind?” and “Does the mind control the brain or vice-versa?” Numerous scientists, psychologists, philosophers, and other scholars answered these questions differently and developed a variety of theories to explain their rationale. 
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Action Potential 
The brain is part of the nervous system. A particularly important aspect of the nervous system is how neurons “fire,” or act to transmit information. This process is known as the action potential and is governed by several different factors, including neurotransmitters and electrolytes. 
Action potentials are subject to several laws. For instance, according to the all-or-none principle, an action potential occurs at full strength or not at all. This theory has been a foundation of the studies 

of the brain and the theory is widely applied in today’s medicine as well as the computer world and the robot industry.

Nature or Nurture?

The relationship between heredity and the environmental influence in shaping behavior has long been the topic of studies. The history of biological psychology development includes the contributions of Descartes, Fritsch, and Hitzig, Helmholtz, Broca, Gall, and Lashley. One of the most exciting scientific discoveries in the twentieth century was our understanding of nucleic acid through the structures and functions of DNA and RNA. The Human Genome Project—a global collaboration of biotechnology— has greatly advanced our understanding of one of the original questions in biopsychology: Nature or nurture?

Questions To Consider

To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community.

• What are your thoughts on the practice of psychology? Should a practicing psychologist fall more into the Monism camp or the Dualism camp? Why? How will one view versus the other impact how a psychologist implements therapy? 

• Consider the concept of neurotransmission, and then apply this concept to the following question:
▪ Do you expect one day to have a “magic drink” with a mixture of chemicals that make a consumer “smarter” or 
prevent a consumer from neurological or psychological disorders? Why or why not? 
Resources Suggested Resources 
The following optional resources are provided to support you in completing the assessment or to provide a helpful context. For additional resources, refer to the Research Resources and Supplemental Resources in the left navigation menu of your courseroom. 
Capella Multimedia 
Click the links provided below to view the following multimedia pieces: 
• Brain Regions and Functions | Transcript . Show More 
Library Resources 
The following e-books or articles from the Capella University Library are linked directly in this course: 

Assessment Instructions

Write a 2–3-page assessment in which you respond to the following questions about biopsychology and the brain. Use the Capella library to research the material and support your answers. The following questions and statements are the required headings for your assessment; do not incorporate the questions into the content of the answers. 

1. What is the origin of biopsychology? Who were some of the first theorists? 

2. The brain is complicated and sometimes difficult to understand. Describe the different regions of the brain and the associated functions.

3. In addition to brain functions, some believe there is aspect known as the mind. What is the mind-brain problem? Where do you fall in this debate (monist or dualist)? Justify your answer.

4. What are some methods that scientist use today to study the brain? What are the benefits of these methods?

5. What methods of research have been used to gain the knowledge we have today of the brain?

6. What are some of the ethical concerns in connection with research in biopsychology and the brain in particular?

Additional Requirements

• Written Communication: Written communication should be free of errors that detract from the overall message. ¨

• APA Formatting: Resources and citations should be formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.

• Font and Font Size: Times New Roman, 12-point font, and double spaced. Use Microsoft Word to complete the¨assessment.¨

• Length: Write a minimum of 2 pages, excluding the title page and reference page (150–300 words per question).¨The Brain Scoring Guide 
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