Human behavior influence  Essay Assignment Paper

Human behavior influence  Essay Assignment Paper

Human behavior influence  Essay Assignment Paper

Assignment: Human behavior influence

How does motivation, emotion, and learning affect human behavior? This assignment helps you apply your knowledge from this week’s modules and readings. It is important to learn how to be aware of and manage both your mind and body in order to be the most effective employee. Knowing how you learn what motivates you and how social settings impact you at the workplace will lead to career success. Consciousness Answer the following questions. Define the term: consciousness. Define the term: altered state of consciousness. Explain an effect or danger of using stimulants, such as nicotine. Explain an effect or danger of using depressants, such as alcohol. Explain an effect or danger of using hallucinogens, such as LSD Motivation and Emotion Answer the following questions. Young women who have anorexia nervosa are also likely to have which of the following personality traits? Select only one. Introversion Autonomy Perfectionism Assertiveness Because Carla kept complaining that she was overweight, her roommate suspected that she had an eating disorder. She thought it might be bulimia nervosa rather than anorexia nervosa because Carla was often: Select only one. weighing herself. exercising excessively. dieting. eating large quantities of food. Kathy has a good job and a nice apartment. She has a great relationship with her fiancé, Gary. However, she still yearns for a sense of achievement and approval. Maslow would most likely say that she is experiencing which kind of need? Select only one

Belongingness Esteem Physiological Safety The factor that contributes the most to making people happy is: Select only one. genetics money marriage good health Zach displays extrinsic motivation when he: Select only one. takes out the garbage to earn his allowance. practices throwing a basketball into a hoop just to get better. draws a picture because he has new crayons. operates a lemonade stand because it’s fun. What is the difference between intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation? Describe a situation which makes you feel intrinsically motivated. Learning (Refer to Chapter 5 to answer the questions below). The key principle of classical conditioning is: Select only one. consequences. experience. association. modeling. What do you call the process of mentally working through a problem until the sudden realization of a solution occurs? Select only one. Latent learning Vicarious learning Insight learning Instrumental learning Define Avoidance Learning: Define Escape Learning: Click or tap here to enter text. Define the term: Cognitive Learning: Identify two guidelines for giving praise: Click or tap here to enter text. Click or tap here to enter text. Read the scenario below: Alyssa’s mother hates going to the dentist. Alyssa’s mother experiences dental issues and has to attend the dentist often. Because of all of the pain that Alyssa’s mom experienced from the dental procedures over the years, Alyssa learned that dental visits cause pain. Alyssa has a dentist appointment next week and she is very scared. Alyssa asked her mom if she could cancel the appointment, but Alyssa’s mom said “no.” (Refer to 5.1 to respond to the questions below.) Explain how classical conditioning (learning through association) applies to the scenario above. In the scenario above, Alyssa learned to fear the dentist. How could Alyssa’s mom use the process of reconditioning to change her fearful attitude? As a future healthcare professional, how could you use operant conditioning to minimize a patients’ fears or anxieties? (Remember: Operant conditioning relates to voluntary behaviors that are driven by reinforcers or punishments.)

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