Integrating psychology into personal life Essay Assignment Paper

Integrating psychology into personal life Essay Assignment Paper

Integrating psychology into personal life Essay Assignment Paper

Assignment: Discuss Integrating psychology into personal life

Pretend you are creating questions for a game of jeopardy.

**Use at least one (1) reliable source (Cite using APA format).

Due Date: Thursday, September 19, 2013 at 9:00 am (Eastern Standard Time).

Come up with one (1) question and answer for each of the following jeopardy


Holistic approaches to prior learning
Integrating psychology into personal life
Psychology across all disciplines
Integrating psychology into career and educational decisions
The Learning Theory you agree with the most
Come up with three (3) questions and answers for the following jeopardy category:

One Famous Psychological figure(Do NOT use Binet, Wundt, Erik Erickson, or Bandura, as these figures are taken)
A Review of Bloom’s Taxonomy and Kolb’s Theory of Experiential Learning: Practical Uses for Prior Learning Assessment Elena J. Murphy

I have been teaching prior leaming assessment for 12years in an aduh degree completion program. In theprogram’s first course, students leam the fundamentals of Kolb’s theory of experiential leaming as a tool to help them ascertain what their experience has taught them. Col- leagues have used Bloom’s Taxonomy in conjunction with Kolb’s theory as a useful tool for helping students move beyond superficial writing and add a depth of understanding and critical analysis to their essays.

Demonstrating depth of knowledge is a key component to writing leaming experience essays, Aduh students are asked to think about areas in their hves in which they have gained knowledge that relates to college-level leaming, Refiection on the knowledge obtained includes evaluating the actions that occurred in a leaming situation. Students are asked to consider what did or did not work, what they leamed, and how they would approach the same situation differently to have a more successful outcome.

However, reflecting on and writing about experiential leaming are not enough to receive credits based on the leaming. Students must go beyond the refiection and exam- ine how they appUed the knowledge. From the practical ap- plication comes more refiection on the actions performed that lead to the results, or lack thereof. Students must integrate concepts from theoretical knowledge to balance the refiection and the practical application. Bloom’s Tax- onomy and Kolb’s theory of experiential leaming together provide useful information for helping students organize

what they have leamed and write the experiential leaming essay.

Bloom’s Taxonomy

Bloom’s Taxonomy (Bloom, Engelhart, Furst, Hill, & Krath- wohl, 1956) presents classifications of cognitive operations individuals use for leaming to fully occur, Leaming is classi- fied within the cognitive domain into six hierarchical levels ordered from the least to the most complex: knowledge, comprehension, apphcation, analysis, synthesis, and evalu- ation. The levels are assumed to be cumulative, with each one in the system building on the successful completion of previous levels.

Each of the six levels in the hierarchy represents an essential skill for students to become critical thinkers. At the knowledge level, the lowest in the hierarchy, the student recalls or recognizes information, ideas, and principles in the approximate form in which she or he leamed them. The material can vary from specific facts to complete theories, but all that is required is remembering the information, Leaming objectives at this level include knowing terms, facts, methods, procedures, basic concepts, and principles. In prior leaming assessment, students are asked to identify how they leamed a task or skill from their hfe experience. For example, a student who is writing an essay on super- vising employees can review the methods and procedures they use in their daily supervision routine.

Elena J, Murphy is director of iearning assessment at Nyack Coilege, The Journal of Continuing Higher Education, Voi, 55, No, 3, Fail 2007. Copyright © 2007, Association for Continuing Higher Education,

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The Journal of Continuing Higher Education • 65

The comprehension level is defined as the abihty to grasp the meaning of material. Students may demonstrate comprehension by translating material from one form to another or by interpreting material. Ultimately, students using comprehension demonstrate a basic understanding of the material. Whereas a student at the knowledge level can recall information in a rote fashion, those at the compre- hension level must be able to manipulate that information beyond simple memorization. Leaming objectives include understanding facts and principles; interpreting material such as verbal material, charts, and graphs; paraphrasing information, and describing previously leamed material. In an adult leaming environment, the knowledge and com- prehension steps alone are not enough for demonstrating mastery of leaming and would not be acceptable for writing experiential leaming essays.

The application level is defined as the abihty to use leamed material in new and practical situations and in- cludes applying rules, methods, concepts, principles, and theories. Students at this level apply concepts aiid principles to new situations, apply theories to practical situations, and solve problems. The analysis level signals the abihty to break down material into its component parts and may include identifying those parts, analyzing the relationship between the parts, and recognizing the organizational principles involved. Leaming outcomes include recognizing unstated assumptions and logical fallacies in reasoning, distinguishing between facts and inferences, and evaluating data relevancy.

There are apparent similarities between the first four levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy and David Kolb’s theory concerning the expectation of adult student leaming in the classroom. Like Kolb’s theory, Bloom emphasizes that the students’ work needs to reflect a higher level of critical thinking and analysis, especially when they are writing at the college level. The synthesis level refers to the abihty to assemble parts to form a new whole. The adult student originates, integrates, and combines ideas into a product, plan, or proposal that is new to him or her. The objective of the synthesis level stresses creative behaviors, with an emphasis on formulating new pattems or structure. Leam- ing objectives include: integrating leaming from different areas into a plan for solving a problem, formulating a new schema for classifying objects or ideas, or proposing a plan.

The final evaluation level concems the abihty to judge the value of material for a given purpose. The judgments are based on defined criteria that are either developed by the student or given to her/him by an outside source. According to Bloom (1956), evaluation is considered the

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