Measuring Emotional Behavioral Functioning Essay Assignment Paper

Measuring Emotional Behavioral Functioning Essay Assignment Paper

 Measuring Emotional Behavioral Functioning Essay Assignment Paper

Describe objective personality tests and explain their use in psychological testing.
Measuring Emotional Behavioral Functioning

Assignment: Measures of Emotional and Behavioral Functioning Presentation

Prepare a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you analyze measures of emotional and behavioral functioning. Include speaker notes, and address the following items in your presentation:

· Describe objective personality tests and explain their use in psychological testing.

· Explain the use of projective techniques in psychological testing and provide an example of this type of test.

· Explain the difference between personality measures and measures of interests and attitudes.

Brett and Jeff want to test whether income/socioeconomic status affects happiness. They give participants a survey with items asking about their perception of their socioeconomic and their happiness. What are the independent and dependent variables? How might they operationally define those two variables? Why might B.F. Skinner not like Brett and Jeff’s experiment (hint: what school of psychology was he involved in)?

This is not an essay, or a paper. This is just answering 4 questions.

This assignment is due on Monday, September 9, 2013 at 9:00 a.m. (Eastern Standard Time)

*Minimum 100 word response for each question.

*Use at least 1 reference, which must be cited within the text in APA format.

1. Discuss the role and importance of personal ethics in psychology, principles, and the Code of Conduct.

2. Discuss how ethics can affect how you will apply psychological principles to personal, spiritual, social, and organizational issues.

3. Assess how ethics affect psychological knowledge and principles related to personal growth, health, and development.

4. Analyze advantages of psychology as a degree choice. How do ethics play a role in your decision to pursue a degree in psychology?

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