Nursing Profession Theories Essay Assignment Paper

Nursing Profession Theories Essay Assignment Paper

Nursing Profession Theories Essay Assignment Paper

Discussion: Nursing Profession Theories

While the focus of this course is nursing theory, frequently the use of non-nursing or borrowed theories occurs. Select a nursing practice area (i.e. education, executive, advance clinical practice, informatics, and health care policy); then identify a non-nursing (borrowed) theory; and apply it to the area you have selected. Be sure to provide an example of how the non-nursing theory can be used to enhance the selected practice area.

Effective nursing practice requires the application of knowledge, skills,
caring, and art to care for patients in an effective, efficient, and considerate
way. An important part of the knowledge used in making nursing clinical
decisions is produced by research findings. Ideally, all patient care decisions
should be based on research-evidence. Research findings are used to develop
a protocol and the protocol is followed in daily nursing practice.
In any discipline, science is the result of the relationship between the process
of inquiry (research) and the product of knowledge (theory). In addition
to guiding nursing practice, the purpose of research is to build knowledge
in a discipline through the generation of theory and or testing theory.
The relationship between research and theory is reciprocal where research
generate more knowledge and theory. Theory is integral to the research
process where it is important to use theory as a framework to provide
perspective and guidance to the research study. Theory can also be used to
guide the research process by generating and testing phenomena of interest.
The primary purpose of theory in the profession of nursing is to improve
practice by positively influence the health and quality of life of patients.
The relationship between theory and practice is reciprocal. Practice is the
basis for the development of nursing theory whereas nursing theory must be
validated in practice.

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