Sensation and perception linked Essay Assignment Paper
Sensation and perception linked Essay Assignment Paper
Sensation and perception linked Essay Assignment Paper
Explain how your own perceptual sets might create prejudice or discrimination?
Assignment: Sensation and perception linked
Assignment: How sensation and perception are closely linked
For this assignment, you will need to write a well thought out 1,000-word essay that demonstrates clear and thorough comprehension and evaluation of the material covered in this module. Please be sure to address each of the following in your essay:
Sensation and perception are closely linked. What is the central distinction between the two?
How do perceptual constancies and sets affect our interpretations of the world around us?
Explain how your own perceptual sets might create prejudice or discrimination?
All essays must include an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement, (taking a clear position on your subject), followed by a main body with supporting arguments (organized using APA formatted headings and seriation), a summary conclusion, and an APA formatted reference page at the end. All essays must use Times New Roman 12 pt or Verdana 10pt font, be double-spaced, have 1″ margins, and include a total word count (not including the reference page). You must use and reference 2 different high quality, academic, scholarly resources. If you use a website as a resource, please make sure it is high quality, scholarly, well cited, and well-researched prior to referencing it. Wikipedia or similar references will not be accepted. Students must use APA style to cite within the body of the essay as well as on the references page at the end of the essay. Please review the CCCOnline APA Toolkit, or the APA style guide provided on the Purdue Owl Website if needed. Refer to the Essay Rubric (located in the Course Syllabus) for the grading criteria and point value distribution.
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