Test for client’s demographics Essay Assignment Paper

Test for client’s demographics Essay Assignment Paper

Test for client’s demographics Essay Assignment Paper

Assignment: Test for client’s demographics

This week you’ll be reading chapters 8 and 13 in the text and exploring the Buros Center for Testing website, the PRO-ED website, and the Clinical Assessment website. Your tasks for this week include the discussion forum DQs and participation as well as a paper on psychological testing and assessment selection. Some things I’d like to see in that assignment include:

APA level one and level two headings (not a pro at APA levels of headings? It’s OK! Google Purdue Owl APA level of headings… super easy!)
5 refs (one is the textbook)
APA citations and references formatted correctly.
Clear and thorough responses to each part of this assignment. Points will be deducted if I have to try to guess, assume, or infer what students mean or which part of the assignment is being addressed.
Regarding this week’s assignment. Think about how we assess for diagnoses. What types of information might we want to gather? If we already have a diagnosis, might that also drive which assessment we give our client? What are we trying to discover about the client’s clinical representation? Think diagnosis and DSM-5 for question 2 of this Week 4’s assignment:

What are four to five important diagnostic factors a counselor should consider when selecting a psychological test for a client?
Here’s a little trick for online students. (Let me preface this with a reminder that students must be reading all required readings, especially textbook readings.) Using the control key + F (the search tool) you can enter a word to search within a document or textbook. Try entering “diagnostic” and this may help you re-find the information more quickly.

Please be sure to read all of the required readings. This is important information for counselors. If you have any questions, please reach out to me.Write a paper (1,000-1,250 words) about the selection of the appropriate psychological test and/or assessment. Answer each of the following three questions:

What resources are available to assist counselors in the selection of the appropriate psychological tests and/or assessments for a client?
What are four to five important diagnostic factors a counselor should consider when selecting a psychological test for a client?
How can a counselor determine that a specific test is the appropriate test for a client’s demographics?
Include at least four scholarly references in addition to the textbook in your paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

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