The effects of death-qualification on jurors’ confidence Essay Assignment Paper
The effects of death-qualification on jurors’ confidence Essay Assignment Paper
The effects of death-qualification on jurors’ confidence Essay Assignment Paper
Assignment: The effects of death-qualification on jurors’ confidence
Assignment #3 – APA Formatting Assignment (10 points)
Instructions: Read the following paragraph. Questions 1-4 refer to this paragraph.
Smith, Jones, & Terry 2008 investigated the effects of death-qualification on jurors’ confidence.
A “death-qualified” juror is one who is willing to give the death penalty. 60 college students
were randomly assigned to one of 2 different conditions. In both conditions, participants
completed a short questionnaire that asked them whether they would or would not be willing to
give the death penalty. In the first condition, participants reported aloud their response, and those
participants who were not willing to give the death penalty were asked to leave the experiment.
In the other condition, participants handed in their response on a written survey. Again, the
researchers told participants who were not willing to give the death penalty to leave. After
participants unwilling to give the death penalty left, the researchers told the remaining 45 “death qualified” participants to fill out surveys regarding how confident they felt in their original
death-qualification answers. The researchers found that, “participants in the verbal response
condition were more confident in their death qualification status than participants in the written
response condition”. The researchers concluded that making public commitments about death-qualification status makes participants more confident in their death-qualified status.
1. The paragraph above has several APA formatting errors. Your job is to spot at least four
errors, which you will describe. In each box below, type in the error and the correction for
that error. (If you see less than four errors, then type “no other errors” in the remaining blank
spaces). Assume that the paragraph above is in the literature review of a paper (in the
introduction). You can also assume that it has 1 inch margins and is double spaced 1 point for
each error spotted, or 4 points total)
a. _______________________________________________________________
b. _______________________________________________________________
c. _______________________________________________________________
d. _______________________________________________________________
2. What is (are) the independent variable(s) in this study? Type your response into the box
below 1 point)
a. _______________________________________________________________
3. What is (are) the dependent variable(s) in this study? Type your response into the box
below 1 point)
a. ________________________________________________________________
4. This paragraph is actually fictional, but imagine that you want to reference the William
Smith, Beth J. Jones, and Bennett Terry article, and that it was published it in May, 2008 in
Law and Human Behavior, volume 8, pages 234-267. Their title was, “Death Qualification:
The Question Format Matters.” In the box below, write out the correct reference in APA
format. Note – there is no doi for this journal article. (2 points)
a. ______________________________________________________________
5. Correct the following references – type in the correct format in the box below each incorrect
reference (1 point each reference – total of 2 points)
Greenberg, Jeff, Schimel, Jeff, Martens, Andy, Solomon, Sheldon., & Pyszcznyski, Tom. (2001).
Sympathy for the devil: evidence that reminding whites of their mortality promotes more
favorable reactions to white racists. Motivation and Emotion, 25(2), 113-133. doi:
a. __________________________________________________________________
Leander, N. P., Chartrand, T. L., and Wood, W. 2011. Mind Your Mannerisms: Behavioral
Mimicry Elicits Stereotype Conformity. Journal of experimental social psychology, volume
47, issue 1, 195-201. doi: 10.1016/j.jesp.2010.09.002
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