Theory of Identity Development Essay Assignment Paper

Theory of Identity Development Essay Assignment Paper

Theory of Identity Development Essay Assignment Paper

Assignment: Theory of Identity Development

The distinctive difference between work and career is easily summarized by deciding I am working a job to survive in this world, or I am in my career of choice which I prepared for and it is my passion that fuels the fire inside of me in my career. Work tends to become a tedious assignment that we despise, but it pays the bills. Mondays are painful and Fridays are rejoiced because of a two day break that goes entirely too fast. Careers produce acceptable long hours, off days are forced at times by family and friends, and there is a large amount of fulfillment, drive, and pride that comes about when you are in your career of choice. In this discussion I chose Supers Developmental Approach and Erikson’s Theory of Identity Development. Assignment: Theory of Identity DevelopmentSuper’s Theory explains that the way we see or think about ourselves, may change as we obtain different experiences in life (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015). Erikson’s Theory on the way we view ourselves, is based on children working and having the ability to figure out who they are based on the job they are working (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015). However, keep in mind this concept works well during the Industrial Revolution when children began working at age 5 or 6 (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015)

Super’s Theory is a process that takes time and is developed continuously over an individual’s lifespan (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015). The way we look at ourselves and figure out who we are, may be done when we have the ability to have a career that we have chosen. Vocational self-concept is defined as a person’s identity that coincides with the details that a career of their choice demands ((Broderick & Blewitt, 2015). For example, in our class we all have shown an interest and determination to become counselors. Regardless of the reasons why we have chose this field, we all are dedicated to empower ourselves by paying for higher education, striving for excellent grades, and excelling as students which will also prompt us to excel as counselors. Basically this is a choice that we have made because there is a passion inside of us that wants this more than life itself.Assignment: Theory of Identity Development The obstacles we may encounter will not be a deterrent, but fuel added to the fire that allows us to keep pushing class after class, and assignment after assignment. Everyday no matter how tired we are from work, spouses, children, bills, and many other demands the time that is devoted to completing school work is found. The path we are on is not easy because if it was everyone would do it, but there is something special about us that screams to others I need your help and we are learning to do that. Personal characteristics that do not align with my career would cause my life to be filled with regret daily. The idea of sleeping sounds better than facing the people at my job, and my attitude would appear as if other employees or clients are bothering me. Super’s developmental stages repeat themselves through the course of a person’s lifespan (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015). The time period between birth to age 15 is developing the interests that define who a child wants to become (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015). My daughter from the times she was 7 has always been fascinated with animals, and has said she will be a veterinarian. I have encouraged her and at age 19 she is a freshman in college studying veterinarian courses. The next stage is exploratory which occurs from 15 to 24 and a little more focus on what you want to become may be evident, but the decision may still appear indecisive (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015). Establishment which is prevalent from 25 to 44 is the stage where we should know what we want to do, and through working we establish this (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015). The next stage occurs from 45 to 64 and is called maintenance, basically allows us to continually get better in work performance with a climb up the corporate ladder (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015). The final stage is called Decline which occurs after 65, and people are faced with retirement opportunities, less responsibilities in work, and eventually retirement (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015). My mother who is in her 70’s retired from corporate America but began working part time at Macy’s because she was bored. Upon asking her why she not able to just relax is, her response to me was “When older people stop working, they will die because they have nothing to do.”

Erikson’s Theory of Identity Development describes the way we view who we are when small children begin to work serious jobs in different societies (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015). I am aware that many cultures employ their children at very young ages, and some will work alongside their parents until they are able to work alone. However, it is hard to fathom because this is not a part of the culture in the United States, especially after Child Slave Labor Laws were established in the early 1900’s. “Little theoretical attention has been paid to why such cross-time influences should characterize human development” (Belsky, 2010). I do believe that children should learn responsibilities and be assigned chores that require them to assist in the house. My children knew when they were two years old if I played Barney the purple dinosaurs Clean Up song, it prompted them to put their toys in the toy chest. Elementary children according to Erikson should gain an insight of what they are capable of doing, while teens mirror that of adults in the work industry (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015). Children mimic their parents and when they are able to see them living positive productive lives the habits of hard work will be present in their lives.

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