Title Protection and Licensure Essay Assignment Paper
Title Protection and Licensure Essay Assignment Paper
Title Protection and Licensure Essay Assignment Paper
Discussion: Title Protection and Licensure
When one pictures a doctor sitting at her office desk, it seems natural to imagine multiple diplomas on the wall nearby. The notion of doctors displaying their credentials seems indisputable when one considers the importance of professional credibility in instilling trust in patients.
Just as medical practitioners are responsible for achieving and maintaining proper licensure, so are social work professionals. Those who receive the title of “social worker” have met the criteria developed to demonstrate proficiency in meeting the demands associated with the profession.
For this Discussion, research the criteria for assuming the title of social worker in Georgia. Consider benefits offered by title protection and maintenance of licensure standards. Also think about the challenges that title protection and licensure standards may pose.
Post a description of strengths and challenges associated with title protection and licensure. Describe two strengths and two challenges.
A Few More Words on Social Work Title Protection. Most states that have enactedtitle protection have decided that you can only legally call yourself a Social Worker if you hold a social work license
Providing essential social and clinical services to vulnerable individuals at critical times requires social workers to elevate service to others above self-interest. Licensing assures protection of the public and offers clients legal recourse if harmed by a licensed social worker. Social justice.
To become a Licensed Bachelor of Social Work, you must receive a bachelor’s degree in social work from a CSWE-accredited college or university. Depending on your state licensing board, there may be some exceptions allowing social worklicensure for human service professionals with alternate bachelor degrees.
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